Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I am not one of those mothers. You know the ones I am talking about. Their child is the best of the best. The smartest, the most beautiful, the funniest. So, that being said, I would never assume that anyone would actually be interested in the fact that my son now sleeps through the night every single night. That when he smiles (which is often) his tongue sticks to the roof of his mouth in the most charming way, showcasing his adorable bottom gums. That he is getting grabby, and his legs are strong, and his eyelashes extra long, and his thighs and bum have baby cellulite, and his hair is getting a reddish tint to it (ohLordhelpme).
So, I am not telling you any of these things.
I don't over-celebrate every small achievement, either. Like, for example, when Jude fills a diaper, I do not practically throw a poop party, complete with clapping and silly dancing. You would never, ever overhear me saying "Ooooh...that was an awesome fart! A cow could not have done it better!" or "That sure wasn't a crop duster! Loud and proud, eh kiddo?"
Because, farts are not funny. I am not looking forward to the day that Jude's uncles teach him the "pull my finger" game.
How 'bout you?
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