Feb 21, 2010

This little boy...


is 4 months old.

There have been too many milestones between this month and the last that it would be impossible to list them all.

He now naps like a champ, can almost sit up on his own steam, eats (baby) oatmeal and rice and apples and carrots, jumps like a kangaroo in the jolly jumper, and can even stand alone for a few seconds (with arms encircling him, but only so he doesn't fall backward or to either side.)


His "talking" is changing, too. There are squeals (bptbptbptbrrrrrr-RRRAAAAAAAAHAAAA!!!) and long, meandering stories. He talks through meals and in the bathtub, and sometimes in his sleep.

He laughs more often, too...although he doesn't find many things funny, being a serious little man. His grandma is his "fun person" and I am his "snuggle person", so most of his giggles belong to grandma. :)


Books excite him and slow music makes him cry. He can hold his bottle and eat from it himself (but I am not willing to give up bottle time snuggles just yet, so he doesn't get much practice). He has found his toes and can almost get them to his mouth.

And, best of all, he has wiggle-wormed himself even deeper into my heart than he already was. If that is possible. In fact, I think my heart might burst.


Happy 4 months, beautiful boy. I love you. 


Anonymous said...

LEG WARMERS! I thought I was the only one who did that to her kid! Have you ever put them on him like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance and made him 'dance' like her? I've done that to Isla, "She's a maaaniac, maaaaniac..."

My goodness your Jude is one handsome little fella...

*~(boom)~* said...

Oh my, I love chubby baby legs in leg warmers. I have never made him dance, though...lol. I am sure that is to come. Isla must be extremely impressed. ;)

oh2bnMT said...

He is so, so darling!

Was tickled to see a link to my blog on yours - have returned the favor. And to answer your question, no, not all beekeepers ship their bees south - it's expensive if you don't have almond contracts. But we are lucky! Feel free to pepper me with any random beekeeping questions you might have. courtney@glaciercountyhoney.com

*~(boom)~* said...

Oh, you can bet your booty I will ask. Apparently I do not know NEARLY enough about beekeeping and am fascinated with the whole process.

You totally deserve to be linked to!!

Michelle said...

He is so beautiful!

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

Soo adorable those legwarmers, they are essential around our house!!