2) 14 pounds and 26 inches long...50th and 75th percentile. Tall for his age. But, then...I knew that. When I carry him vertically, his legs hang down to my upper mid thigh. Horizontally, they bounce as I walk.
3) Right in the middle of writing #2, I got up to change a poopy diaper. How appropriate. Problem is, he wasn't finished...not by a long shot. It just kept coming, so I held the diaper under his bottom to catch it. I thought: "OK...we will get through this. No big deal..." and then, on his final push, he peed in his own face. At which point I realized that I should have just put the darned diaper back on. Poor little dude.
4) I urge you to visit this blog:

Sarah is turning her blog into a read-o-palooza to promote literacy. If you have a child, or know a child, or simply LOVE books written for children, head on over. She will be reviewing a book a week and there will be giveaways. Did that convince you? Yeah? Ok then, stop reading my lame-ass blog and get your butt over there. :)
5) Who am I kidding? Nobody reads this blog, anyway. LOL. Sorry Sarah...there will not be much traffic from my neck of the woods, but I deserve an A for effort. Facebook is likely a better option. ;)
Hey, people read your blog. Play nice.
I love Sarah's blog, too. Absolutely rocks.
True enough.
*playing nice*
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