Who has been slightly exploiting the fact that her son can say "mom" at 2 months old? Certainly not me. In fact, I do not tell anyone who will listen or brag a little bit about it either.
I have not singlehandedly eaten an entire container full of Christmas goodies, nor have I been known to sneak and smuggle even though there is no one around to catch me. Such a heinous act. Tut-tut.
I do not giggle when my son notices the television, and I do not think it's even funnier when he zones out while staring at it. I make sure to put a stop to his TV watching right away, and I definitely don't change it to Spongebob just for him. Uh-uh.
I do NOT allow my son to sleep in his Boppy pillow because he will not sleep in his crib. I do not have the Boppy pillow so rigged up that it is the perfect bed, and he does not sleep like a dream in it.
I am not even ashamed.
Nope...not me.
I say wherever babies sleep is good.
I agree with Secret Mom Thoughts. Let sleeping children lay!
Also, I would be bragging up a storm if Charlotte could say "mom" too. Right now, all she says is balamadabukugani. If you can translate that for me, let me know!
Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com
Generally that means a nice, clean diaper is about to be soiled in some unmentionable way.
And that little shiver? Accompanied by widened, slightly surprised eyes? That means pee.
Hehe. :)
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